Thursday, March 3, 2011

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Now about the MSG. This one is going to take a while to talk about. Probably another e-mail. I think I'll write a book on it in fact (in 5-10 years when I have more time :) The title would be "Monosodium Glutamate or Bi-polar disorder: Which one is the cause of my craziness?"

MSG is a neurotoxin. Toxifying the brain and killing brain cells.
All forms of glutamates are neuro toxins.
Free Glutamates can be natural occouring and synthetic.
Not all glutamates cause the same "feeling".
MSG other glutames are under a lot of different names on lables.
Stay away from MSG, it takes control of your brain like a drug.
MGS (a salt sugar like compound) makes almost any food tasted good. (That is why when they've stripped nutirents and proccessed foods, they inject it with MSG because otherwize it would'n't taste good and no one would buy it.)

Click on the links below to learn from CBN News:

Hidden Dangers in Your Food

Your Brain's Biggest Enemy

MSG, Cancer and Your Heart

Avoiding teh MSG Threat